Intuitive sessions

Using Human Design as a primary anchor to my practice, I also use Astrology and Astrogeography to guide you back to your authentic self.

In Human Design language, I am a 1/3 Self-Projected Projector, Single Definition, RAX Consciousness. I only have two defined centres: The Throat, the Center of Expression, and the G Center, Love and Direction. My Spleen and Solar Plexus are open wide.

In Astrology, a Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Capricorn Rising.

I am truly honoured to share my knowledge and experience, and absolutely privileged to be guiding each and every one of you.

Foundation session

Foundation sessions are for those of you just getting started with Human Design or for those who want to establishing a strong foundation upon which to build.

We’ll likely explore your Energy Type, Strategy, Authority, and introduce you to your Profile. We’ll also look at practical ways for you to align with your design.

Investment — £225
Duration — 75 minutes
Location — Zoom


Exploration session

Exploration sessions for people who already have a strong foundation and would like to explore their design further.

Together, we can explore an area of focus in your life (a current transition/decision, work, relationships, etc.), look at your definition (Gates, Channels and Incarnation Cross) or explore your variables (Primary Health System) and look at applicable ways to bring more alignment into your everyday life through the lens of your design.

Ideally, people who book this type of session would have had a Foundation Session first, but if you feel like you have a strong foundation and want to go deeper, you can get in touch or go ahead and book this session, I trust you to make that judgement.

Investment — £250
Duration — 75 minutes
Location — Zoom


Connection session

The connection session explores the connection between two charts. This session is designed for couples who want to deepen their relationship with each other or parents who want to better understand the energy of their child.

During our time together, we’ll explore each of your individual charts and your connection chart. You don’t need to know anything about Human Design to benefit from this session, though prior knowledge about your design(s) will allow us to go deeper.

Investment — £325
Duration — 75 minutes
Location — Zoom


Expedition sessions

You want to go deep and work with me over the course of a year with quarterly sessions and embark on a journey of discovery together. Working together through the course of four seasons will allow breathing space to experiment with and embody your design.

During this Expedition, we will go though your Foundation, explore the deeper layers of your design, look how you interact with the closest people in your life (partner/children) and implement practical ways for you to align with your design and find more flow.

You can jump straight in, or choose to have a Foundation Session first. Get in touch if you’d like to start a conversation about working together or go ahead and book this offering, I trust you to make that judgement.

Investment — £975
Duration — 75 minutes x4 (One Session Every Three Months)
Location — Zoom

Optional — Add WhatsApp access £600

What to expect — thoughtful replies to your reflections within 7 days
What not to expect — instant replies


Astrogeo session

Astrogeography is the astrology of places. Each line represents the energy of a planet and the type of line identify which area of life it focuses on or amplifies.

We’ll likely explore up to places of significance for you and their energies whether they are supportive or challenging.

Investment — £225
Duration — 75 minutes
Location — Zoom



& RetreatS

If you are hosting a Workshop or Retreat – in person or online – and would like to incorporate Human Design into your offering, let’s have a chat. I’d love to help you co-create an experience with you that will speak straight to the soul of your audience.