

Dive Into



New Systems


Based on Ancient Wisdoms



let me guide you

A Self-Projected Mama with her Emotional Manifesting Generator twins

I’d like to invite you to into my world, a world of inner explorations, where Human Design is my compass. It reveals your innermost self through re-discovery, self-acceptance & compassion. I’d like to guide you into finding a home within yourself you’d forgotten existed, and whisper to you a quiet reminder of who you always came here to be. I’d like you to be reminded that it is not only okay to be yourself but it is your duty to come back to yourself.

The Human Design experiment is a slow process, it needs space and time to integrate what is revealed — and remembered. I am here to support you on this journey back to your most authentic self, bringing wholeness and perspective.

I’ll be here when you’re ready to be guided and see yourself in a whole new light. I am excited to be part of your journey. 


"What an amazingly rich and validating session, I felt so seen and held by all of Julia's knowledge and insights. I have such a feast of information to nourish and nurture me, I can't wait to process and embed all I discovered in this session, so I can go back for some more!" — Essie, 4/2 Emotional Manifestor

Personalised Reports

Launching soon

Launching soon

Personalised Reports

Personalised Reports

Launching soon

Personalised Reports ✴ Launching soon ✴ Launching soon ✴ Personalised Reports ✴ Personalised Reports ✴ Launching soon ✴

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